Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Oak Glen and Palm Springs with Sheila and Jennifer

This past Saturday  I spent a great afternoon with Shelia and Jennifer photographing their engagement photo shoot. The fall colors were in full bloom, so I took full advantage.  We started our session in Oak Glen at Riley's and then hit the Snowline for a few more shots.  There were a few sprinkles but that didn't "dampen" anyone's mood, these girls had me laughing all day.  After a cup of warm cider and some more laughing we headed out to Palm Springs to take advantage of the amazingly decorated Riviera Resort and Spa.  Jennifer and Sheila's wedding is taking place next year in San Diego and I’m excited to head down there to celebrate with them.

Oak Glen Engagement SessionOak Glen EngagementOak Glen Engagement PhotosOak Glen Engagement Photography